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Steak and Salsa Taco Bites

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  • Cooked steak cut into small bite sized cubes (leftover steak is great for this!)– I like my steak grilled with a doneness of medium rare, but you can cook your steak to whatever doneness you prefer
  • Fresh Salsa – you can find my recipe for homemade fresh salsa here or you can use whatever kind you like. I highly recommend using fresh salsa since the flavours are incredible with the flavours of juicy grilled steak
  • Tex Mex style shredded cheese
  • Scoop style tortilla chips – ex. Tostitos Scoops Tortilla Chips
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  • Add a cube of cooked steak to each of the tortilla scoop chips.
  • Spoon some salsa on top of the steak cube.
  • Sprinkle with a little cheese.
  • Serve the appetizers right away to hungry guests. ?


You’ll notice that I didn’t add any specific amounts for the ingredients in this recipe. For this recipe, the amounts of the ingredients used is completely up to you – you can make as many as you like so long as there’s enough to go around for each “bite”.

For best results, it’s best to serve these to guests shortly after putting them together.

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Category: Appetizer
  • Cuisine: Tex Mex